Thursday, January 7, 2010

My washer will not spin, the water fills up then it jsut stops.. any advice?

My washer did this once. First if the lid has a tab that goes into a hole on the washer it comes into contact with another tab that you should be able to see inside the hole. I pushed a nail into the hole and applied pressure to the other tab. This is a satety device to ensure that the lid is closed before it will spin so no one gets hurt. After doing this My washer still didn't spin. I removed the top of the washer and seen where the tab inside made contact. It was to a relay. I removed that part, we have a store that has or will order appliance replacement parts. The part was actually very inexpensive. I don't remember if I gave them the number off the part or the make and model number off my washer and explained what the part was as I have ordered other parts for my stove, dryer, and refrigerator. Hope this helps since fixing it yourself saves so much money.My washer will not spin, the water fills up then it jsut stops.. any advice?
Has the washer been out of balance recently? Does it agitate and only not work on the spin cycle? If the motor doesn't come on it is probably burnt out. If it does (I'm hoping this is the case) the belt may have slipped off and needs to be re-tensioned or broken and needs to be replaced.My washer will not spin, the water fills up then it jsut stops.. any advice?
Most likely your machine is a direct drive (no belts) One weak point of the direct drive is the coupling between the motor and transmission. Basically how the machine works is, the motor runs in one direction to agitate and changes directions to pump water out and spin. If the coupling is broken it will do neither.

Of course not knowing the make or model of your machine that is a guess on my part. Check the following web site and click the appropriate description of your machine and it might give you some ideas as to the problem....Good Luck...
It could be a lid switch problem. If the machine thinks the lid is still open then it will not agitate or spin. Another possibility is the drive belts are worn if the machine sounds like it is trying to spin or agitate.

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