Thursday, January 7, 2010

What is wrong with my washer!~???

there is still water left in the bottom, just a little bit, so the clothese are not getting all the water out of them in the rinse cycle, and also still a little soapy. i have always used the same amount of detergant,so it cant be that.What is wrong with my washer!~???
How old's your washer? Might need a new washer. But, I've had the same problem, it's the plumbing that needed to be fixed, not a new washer.What is wrong with my washer!~???
Several things could be happening..

First make sure it's spinning the entire cycle.. If it's not your timer could be on the fritz...If the spin cycle is working correctly could be a stopped up drain not allowing all the water to be pumped out before the cycle is finished, or your pump could be going out.
where the drain hose inters the wall you are not allowing any air in that's slowing down the pumps ability to evacuate the water during the spin cycle---other than that you could have a blockage in the hose it's self
sounds like something you got in your outlet hose. When it spins it has a restriction. I would check everything from the house that goes to the sewer to the spinner on the washer. It sounds like its got a sock or something in it.
sounds like the pump is clogged or broken.

The only way to fix it is to call a repairman, or buy a new washer.
try calling the reapair man ... or check on the internet what could be wrong and fix it...

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